What is Hatha yoga all about?

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One of the most relaxing varieties of yoga will help you improve breath control, calm down and stretch the muscles of your entire body. 

What are the characteristics of Hatha yoga? 

The name of this variation of yoga comes from the words “Ha,” which stands for the Sun and vital energy, and “Tha,” which stands for the Moon and the withdrawal of the senses with the energy directed to the center of the body. In practice, it means calming thoughts, meditation, tranquility and focusing on inner peace through breathing and physical exercises. Hatha yoga consists of three key elements, namely seated posture, breath control and cleansing processes. In this way, yoga combines esoteric and bodily aspects. 

For this variety of yoga, the physical strength aspect is the key to achieving calmness and developing the right focus. Experts single out hard work as the main idea of Hatha yoga, which is supposed to lead not only to improving physicality, but also to improving oneself. The process is based on two aspects: asanas, or yogic postures, and pranayama, or breathing techniques. 

Key principles of the exercises 

The key to achieving visible results from Hatha yoga is discipline during the exercises. Every aspect of them should be carried out according to strict rules, so it is best to practice this type of yoga under the guidance of a specialist. Internet tutorials or video-instructions may be inaccurate and will not teach the practitioner the correct alignment of the body in a given exercise.

The strictly followed principles of Hatha yoga include the correct angle of body alignment, tensing the appropriate muscle parts and controlling breathing at each stage of the exercise. Each of these aspects can only be performed correctly under the supervision of a professional instructor. What also characterizes this variety of yoga is the slow pace of performing individual asanas. The lack of a dynamic pace helps to concentrate on individual exercises, improve body alignment, catch nuances and breathe in and out properly.

Benefits of Hatha Yoga 

The benefits of practicing Hatha yoga on a regular basis are many, with some of the most important ones including improving attentiveness, working on concentration, calming, relaxing, relaxing the muscles of the entire body, improving the quality of sleep and reducing complaints of feeling stressed or anxious. Studies have also confirmed that the asanas used to practice Hatha yoga can reduce lumbar or cervical pain, thereby increasing the body’s range of motion. 

The exercises also improve circulation and help strengthen deep muscles throughout the body. For ladies, training in this variety of yoga can also help reduce discomforts associated with menopause. Working on breath control helps increase lung capacity, thereby improving the body’s aerobic capacity. 

main photo: unsplash.com/kike vega

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