Mudras and their importance for health

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Gestures that heal is another element taken from yoga that is becoming increasingly popular. It is difficult to find scientifically supported evidence of their effect, but there is an opinion that hand systems can have a healing effect on our body. What can we say about the tradition taken from ancient Hindu medicine?

What exactly are mudras?

They are systems of hands and single gestures which are recommended to take care of your own physical and psychical health. They originate from ayurveda, the Indian art of healing, where the balance of health of soul and body is taken care of. It is believed that each of the human fingers is responsible for one of the five elements – water, fire, sky, earth and air. The proper arrangement of fingers folded in the assigned gesture was supposed to be responsible for healing diseases of the body and soul

What can we say about the effectiveness of mudras?

There is no scientific evidence for the effectiveness of mudras. However, it is emphasized that they are something similar to Chinese acupressure. Proponents of mudras claim that in both techniques there is a stimulation of energy routes that run through the human body. Hence the theory that bending the hands in the right way can have a positive effect on our vitality

How to perform mudras correctly?

The key is, of course, the knowledge of particular hand systems, but that is not all. You also need to prepare yourself properly for them. Their advantage is that we do not need special room or dress for that. Mudras can be practiced many times during a day, regardless of age. It is important to be concentrated and relaxed. The maximum time of practice per day is 45 minutes in total.

What healing properties are attributed to mudras?

Although there is no scientific evidence for it, mudras are traditionally considered to be gestures that bring balance to the soul and body. They are said to rid the body of:

  • sadness,
  • lack of self-confidence,
  • lack of energy,
  • lung diseases,
  • colds,
  • eye and ear diseases,
  • overweight,
  • headaches,
  • laryngeal diseases.
Photo: Karolina Grabowska/Pexels

Popular mudras – you can make them yourself

Mudras are tens of different arrangements of hands. Each of them has a slightly different purpose and in a different way influences the state of body and spirit. Here are the most popular mudras

Mudra Vayu – good for headaches

The index finger should touch the base of the thumb, gently pressed by the thumb itself. The other fingers have to remain straight. This gesture symbolizes the blocking of the element ”wind”. According to traditional Hindu medicine, this ”block” helps to cope with rheumatism, arthritis and especially headaches. It should be applied for a maximum of 15 minutes at a time.

Dragon Head Mudra

It is created by joining both palms together, so that the small and the cordial fingers are joined. The index fingers should be straightened, while the middle fingers should embrace and lightly press the index fingers. The thumbs should also be joined, but only sideways. What does the “dragon’s head” help? It is used in the period of increased incidence of influenza. Above all, it cures colds and prevents lung and respiratory diseases

Linga Mudra – supports weight loss

It is created by intertwining hands, where only the thumb of the right hand is straightened. Practiced in sessions lasting 15 minutes, it helps in losing weight (it strengthens intestinal peristalsis), but this is not the only property attributed to it. Its task is to cleanse the lungs from mucus. Thus, it prevents colds, coughs and lung diseases

Mudra for back pain

It is formed by joining the fingers of the small, middle and thumb of the right hand. At the same time, the left hand is arranged so that the side of the thumb rests on the nail of the index finger. As the name suggests, the primary motive for its use, is to soothe back pain. It is supposed to be helpful especially when one sits on a chair in one place for a very long time. Thus, it is recommended to people who have a sedentary work style.

Photo Gabby K/Pexels

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