Your money or your life websites. Where could your SEO strategy be in that?

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What does it take to optimize your money or your life website for search engines? A lot, actually! Search engine optimization  is the process of enhancing your website’s visibility in search engine results pages, so you have to do a lot of research and keyword planning before you start working on it. And keep in mind that while you’re trying to promote your website, you’re also trying to promote yourself as an expert on whatever topic you choose to write about. 

Why are we looking for answers to important questions on the Internet?

We turn to the internet for answers because it’s a vast repository of information that is constantly being updated. When we have a question, we type it into a search engine and hope that the answer we’re looking for appears on the first page of results. This is because most people don’t bother to look past the first page of results. That’s why it’s important to make sure your website is optimized for search engines.

How does Google evaluate the quality of websites?

Google’s evaluation process is called PageRank. PageRank works by counting the number and quality of links to a page to determine a rough estimate of how important the website is. The underlying assumption is that more important websites are likely to receive more links from other websites. It’s not enough to simply have great content though, you also need people to link back to your site in order for it to rank well in search engines. 

E-A-T, that is, what the search engine feeds on

E-A-T stands for Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness. If you want your website to rank well, you need to make sure it has plenty of all three. One way to show Google that your site is an expert on its topic is by having in-depth, well-researched articles. If you can show that you’re an authority on the subject, that’s even better.

In addition to producing high quality content, make sure that you add photos and videos where appropriate, links out to other pages on your site (not just links back to other pages), create a sitemap so crawlers can find every page without getting lost, be active on social media sites (Facebook, Twitter), provide contact information so people know how they can get in touch with you if they have questions or concerns about what they read on your site. All these things will increase the likelihood of being found by potential customers.

“Your Money or Your Life” websites

The E-A-T guidelines are of little importance to websites that publish images. However, if the website has a direct impact on the user’s life, health, finances or safety, it must meet the above requirements. We are talking about the YMYL pages, meaning “Your Money or Your Life”. If the information published on them is false, we may be subject to a high penalty from Google.

Optimization tips

When it comes to Expertise, Google takes into account the substantive level of the website or its proficiency in a given field. It is about knowledge that requires additional qualifications. For this reason, if we plan an SEO strategy, the most important thing is to update the content, add sources or information about authors, and create a link profile in social media or the blogosphere.

Authoritativeness relates to reputation within the industry. The more backlinks you have, the more important you become. So it’s worth taking care of citations, memories, reviews, testimonials and recommendations from other experts.

The question of Trustworthiness, in turn, relates primarily to the users. It’s about taking responsibility for the content you post. In terms of optimization, it is worth taking care of an SSL security certificate, access to contact data, the possibility of issuing ratings and comments, as well as a communicator.

Google breaks down the content on the page into primary and secondary content. Both are assessed in terms of uniqueness (whether there is no double content), length, adequacy of titles and subtitles, and linguistic correctness. Search engine algorithms also evaluate the substantive value, so if they find errors, your ranking position will drop.

In the end

If you want your money or your life website to rank well on Google, you need to “eat” Google. That means creating content that is optimized for the search engine’s algorithms. But it’s not enough to just stuff keywords into your articles—you also need to make sure your website is fast, user-friendly, and mobile-responsive. By following these tips, you can help ensure that your website will be one of the first ones that comes up when people search for money or life-related topics.

As the owner of a money or your life website, it’s important to make sure your site is optimized for SEO. The good idea is to work with a copywriter who understands how to eat Google and get your site ranking high in search results. Check the best agencies in your area, like SEO in Liverpool or Newcastle SEO company and choose the right one for your needs. 


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