6 rules for effective communication at work

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No matter what field you work in, your professional growth depends on how well you communicate with people.

Body language 

Body language is 55% responsible for how those around you interpret your emotional state. That’s why it’s so important to express a positive and cooperative attitude not only with words, but also non-verbally. 

Don’t forget to look into the eyes of the person you are talking to. From time to time, however, look away, otherwise your interlocutor may think that you are trying to put pressure on him/her.

When discussing a problem, express your interest by wrinkling your forehead or supporting your chin with your hand.

Keep your posture straight and relaxed. Gesture to better explain your point of view, and do not clasp your hands together at chest level to avoid a closed posture.

Try to understand the interlocutor

Many people listen only to respond to something or to turn what the interlocutor has said to their advantage. Instead, try to understand what the interlocutor is really trying to convey to you. This is helpful in understanding his or her needs. If you know them, you will be able to find the right solution.

Ask open questions

People often hold back from expressing their thoughts. However, a trusting relationship requires knowing your interlocutor’s true motives and aspirations. Phrase your questions so that you get a developed response. For example: Colleagues at work are irritated for some reason. To help them, ask an open-ended question, “What needs to change to make the situation better?” A question posed this way will help redirect attention from the problem itself to how to solve it.

Be honest

Honesty is a principle worth following in life in general. People don’t trust people who behave suspiciously or don’t elaborate on something. The people around you will have more respect for you if you are honest with them, even if it sometimes requires admitting to being wrong. Of course, honesty should be kept in moderation so as not to hurt the other person.

Skilfully present your point of view

Formulate your point of view in a conciliatory manner. For example, your boss asks what you think of a new development strategy, and you see many weaknesses. Instead of just saying that you don’t think it is a good idea, try to formulate your point of view in a way that brings something useful into the conversation. If you simply subject the plan to criticism, the boss will most likely get angry and shut down to any constructive comments. So it’s better to say this: “I understand what guided you when you made the plan. And it may indeed prove useful. But I am concerned about a few elements.” With such a response, you are expressing a desire for dialogue, not criticism, and the manager will certainly appreciate it.

Be kind and helpful

The way each of us expresses himself depends on the sphere of activity, level of education and culture. Therefore, when explaining something to a person from a different background, use accessible words and avoid jargon. Express yourself clearly by using simple analogies. This is very important because during your career, you will definitely come to work with different people. If you don’t go easy on them, a lot of misunderstandings and mistakes can result. Meanwhile, clarity and mutual understanding are the cornerstones of effective teamwork.

main photo: unsplash.com/krakenimages

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