Green smoothies – why reach for them?

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Living a healthy lifestyle is more fashionable today than ever. One of the ways to cleanse your body of harmful toxins and fill it with vitamins are green smoothies

The advantages of consuming such smoothies are that by using them, you can lose some weight, improve the condition of your skin, nails and hair. What are the other benefits of consuming green smoothies? Keep reading to find out more.

Most people do not consume enough green vegetables. However, one green smoothie a day can solve this problem and improve your health. Green smoothies can be based on lettuce, spinach or kale. You can even add parsley or watercress to them depending on your preference. If you want to make your smoothie more appetizing, incorporate mango, banana, apple or avocado into it

Cleansing your body with green smoothies is a gentle and natural way to normalize all body functions. Health drinks are prepared from vegetables, fruits, berries and herbs that are known to be rich in fiber. This ingredient acts as a sponge that absorbs a huge amount of toxins and naturally removes them from the body. Unlike freshly squeezed juices, whose fiber stays in the juicer, in a smoothie it goes into the glass, satisfying hunger for a long time.

Green smoothies are a great way to take care of your health. If you haven’t done sports until today, spent most of your time indoors and abused fast food, vegetable and fruit smoothies will become a good and, most importantly, smooth transition to a healthy lifestyle. You won’t have to drastically change your usual diet, which means your body won’t feel the stress of changing your eating habits. Over time, once you feel the benefits of these drinks, you will no longer want to eat fast food.

Weight loss

A green smoothie will definitely help you lose weight. It contains an optimal amount of vitamins, proteins, healthy carbohydrates, minerals and fiber, all of which are important for weight loss. With the help of smoothies, you can lose weight effectively and safely without feeling hungry. Just increase the intake of fruits and vegetables, and thus get rid of accumulated subcutaneous water, toxins and excess fats.

Photo: kkolosov/Pixabay


Green smoothies provide the body with an impressive amount of antioxidants that support overall health. Not only do they counteract premature aging, antioxidants also help prevent many diseases. A green drink containing fruits and vegetables such as oranges, carrots, tomatoes and peppers is fortified with lycopene, which is considered an important anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory antioxidant.


If you are looking for an easy way to detox, green smoothies are considered the best. Many toxic chemicals accumulate in the body every day. To cleanse your liver and detoxify your body, start your day with a green smoothie.

Healthy skin

Beautiful skin is an indicator of your health. Plant-based smoothies are rich in fiber, which helps flush out toxins. You will quickly notice a significant difference in the appearance of your skin. However, keep in mind that drinking green smoothies will not change you overnight. You will have to drink them regularly, but it will be worth it.

Good digestion

Green fruit and vegetable based smoothies greatly improve digestion. It is a blend of nutrients that your body receives at optimal levels. Although you can get the same effect by eating green salads, with today’s fast-paced lifestyle, there is often no time for them. Therefore, smoothies are the best way to improve digestion.

Improve brain function

A healthier diet keeps your mind clear. Unhealthy foods high in sugar and fat can negatively affect brain function. Cocktails will give it more energy, creativity and attentiveness, effectively reducing stress and anxiety.

Stronger Bones

One of the main ways to maintain and increase bone strength is to provide adequate calcium. Studies have shown that our body absorbs calcium better from cabbage than from milk. Green smoothies contain a unique combination of vitamins, antioxidants and minerals that support optimal health.

Photo by Jan Sedivy/Unsplash

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