Facefitness – learn about its benefits

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If you want to make your face look younger, instead of undergoing aesthetic medicine treatments, start practicing facefitness regularly. The effect will positively surprise you!

Facefitness or botox? Which is more effective?

In recent years, aesthetic medicine has celebrated numerous triumphs. Many people, wanting to smooth out the wrinkles that appear on the face, have undergone procedures to inject fillers under the skin. Some people are unaware before the procedure that botox injected under the skin causes the muscle to be immobilized for about six months, thus sagging. The effect of the procedure is visible immediately – a visibly shallowed wrinkle, but when the effect passes, the wrinkle becomes much deeper than before the procedure. Many people, therefore, quickly make an appointment for another injection to make the wrinkle shallower and fall into a vicious cycle, as the muscle sags even further. We are all familiar from the world of celebrities with celebrities who have exaggerated the number of treatments and their facial expressions are almost nil. The effect is far from the intended one.

Now let’s reverse the whole situation. What if, instead of paralyzing the muscles, we start strengthening them? It has not been known for a long time that the skin of an athletic person is usually in better condition than that of a person who does not exercise regularly. Facefitness works in a similar way – it strengthens the facial muscles and thus improves the appearance of the skin, its tone and oxygenation and blood supply, as well as shallowing wrinkles. Of course, skin condition is also affected by other factors, such as the amount of water you drink, stress and the quality of your sleep, but strengthened facial muscles definitely improve the appearance of your complexion.

How to train your face?

First of all, regularly! If you want to see real results, then regularity is needed. It is imperative that you exercise all muscle parts one at a time, and remember to exercise both sides equally to maintain facial symmetry. 

Facefitness is a series of tensions and relaxations of the facial muscles. An intense workout works like jogging or gym exercises – it raises endorphins and makes you smile. 

It is best to do the workout for 10 minutes a day to notice a difference in skin quality after 30 days. If done regularly and properly for at least 3 months, the workout can produce an effect similar to Botox – a marked shallowing of wrinkles, but most importantly, without muscle sagging.

Facefitness – how to exercise?

The great advantage of facefitness is that you do not need specialized equipment, accessories and a trainer to perform it. You are able to perform it independently at home, at any time of the day. The workout is not time-consuming, and all you need to perform it are your hands (remember to wash them thoroughly before starting) and a little technique, which you are sure to master after a few days of practice. 

Facefitness – examples of exercises?

It’s worth giving facefitness a chance and test performing sample exercises for a few days. You can try your hand at the push-up, which is designed to smooth out the lion’s wrinkle. A simple but extremely effective exercise is cheek puffing, which shallows nasolabial furrows. If, on the other hand, you’re looking to reduce smoker’s wrinkles and enlarge your lips, an exercise called Angelina Jolie lips is worth doing. The choice of exercises to train facial muscles is very large and you are sure to find one that appeals to you.

main photo: pixabay.com/ivanovgood

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