10 simple ways to relax

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The hectic pace of life often doesn’t leave you time to relax from your daily worries. Here are the best ways to relax so you can maintain a healthy body and a clear mind.


Music has an incredible power to affect our mood. Create a playlist of your favorite relaxing songs and turn it on every time you feel tired or cranky.


Constant tension makes it hard for your body and brain to fully relax. Meditation helps you to forget for a while all the worries of everyday life. You can practice it in silence or with the sound of calm music

Watch your breathing and with your eyes closed, try to imagine something that has a soothing effect on you: it could be sea waves crashing on rocks or fields of grain stretching to the horizon. You can also use guided meditations to help you reach a state of deeper relaxation.


Stress has the property of accumulating in the body and gradually intensifying, robbing us of our strength. A relaxing massage will help you remove the tension and give you a sense of well-being. The best part is that you can do it yourself at home. You just need a few drops of oil, for example, lemongrass oil, and 10 minutes of free time. Massage your scalp or hands to quickly feel relaxed.


Self-expression will help you forget about your problems for a while and fill your free time pleasantly. You can use your creative potential in many ways, for example, by singing, dancing or drawing. The creative process is not only relaxing. It is also used in the recently popular art therapy.

Contact with animals

If you don’t have a pet at home, go to a cat cafe, a cat farm, or take horseback riding lessons. Time spent with animals raises serotonin levels, which determine energy levels and good mood.

Healthy Eating

A healthy meal leaves you feeling light and satisfied. You can also reach for a combination that has a relaxing effect and is helpful in a stressful situation, such as tea with dark chocolate. The very process of drinking tea has a calming effect. For a better effect, add a few sprigs of thyme, jasmine and mint leaves to it.

Movies and books

An engaging book or a good movie positively affects your mood. Inspirational novels can awaken creative potential and relax their recipient after a hard day. It is best to read in silence with a cup of herbal infusion.

See also: How to maintain work-life balance?

Take a walk

A walk in the forest or park will absolutely boost your mood. Put on some comfortable shoes and head out for some fresh air. Nota bene, a walk in the evening will have a positive impact on your sleep.

Relaxation corner

You can create a relaxation corner in your home – a place where you can find peace and calm your troubled nerves. Breathe life into this place by planting it, surrounding yourself with a pleasant array of colors and your favorite scents.


Suppressing your feelings inside can turn into depression. It is not worth keeping negative emotions inside, loved ones are ready to listen to you and help with advice. If you don’t have someone you trust in your surroundings, turn to a specialist who will help you deal with the excess of experiences. Everyone needs to vent their grievances and emotions sometimes.

Positive thinking

Believe in the power of positive thoughts. Love yourself, take care of your body, and greet each new day with a smile! See? Changes for the better are at your fingertips.

Main photo: Andrea Piacquadio/pexels.com

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