Techniques for coping with stress at work

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Stress these days is a common problem. It affects more and more people. In the hustle and bustle of work it is hard for us to find a moment for ourselves to relax. A little stress is often a good motivation for us to act. However, its excess can seriously affect our health. Often, headaches, trouble sleeping, constant fatigue and a feeling of restlessness are alarming signs. So how to cope with stress?

Methods of fighting stress

It is worth remembering that all methods of fighting stress depend primarily on our attitude. Learn to enjoy small achievements and not to demand from yourself something that is beyond your strength.

If you are prone to stress, remember to eat a healthy, balanced diet. A healthy body is less susceptible to external factors. Therefore, it is worth reaching for fruit and vegetables frequently. A healthy diet can be supplemented with vitamin and mineral supplements, especially magnesium and B vitamins. In the winter period we should not forget about vitamin D supplementation. However, supplements alone cannot replace a healthy diet. Therefore, we should give up strong coffee, energy drinks, sweets and alcohol. It is extremely important to drink water, because dehydrated body is also more prone to stress. Green tea will also be a healthy substitute. The antioxidants it contains remove free radicals from the body that are responsible for producing cortisol, the stress hormone

Relaxation methods

Doing relaxation methods, such as breathing exercises or yoga, will help us to calm down and calm down. Nowadays on the Internet we have a lot of detailed instructions and videos, from which we will learn how to perform such exercises in the best and correct way.

Besides yoga, practicing other sports is a good method. Physical exertion triggers the release of endorphins (happy hormone). Thus, it lowers the level of bad cortisol. Sports will relieve internal tension and improve our mood. We can de-stress by going for a walk away from the hustle and bustle of the city.

Another nice alternative is a long bath in the tub. An inconspicuous activity can become a moment of relaxation for us. Add salts of your favorite scent to the bath to make it more pleasant and relaxing. Special scented oils with lavender and melissa are available on the market.

Every day we can take a moment to calm down while listening to relaxing music. This will help us forget about stress and relieve negative emotions.

Sleeping and meeting friends

Lack of sleep is a major factor that increases our tension and fatigue. During sleep, our body relaxes and regenerates. It is therefore important to get at least 7-8 hours of sleep and to go to bed at regular times.

With the overload of work and responsibilities do not forget to set aside time to meet with friends. Talking to others can help us distance ourselves from problems. It will give us a break and distract us from the stress of work.

Positive thinking relieves stress

Above all, positive thinking is very important. Remember not to worry about situations that were not up to us and over which we had no control. Planning all the tasks we have to do can also help us to calm down and control our nerves. Let’s follow our plan step by step. A good way that psychologists recommend is to keep a diary. We can pour everything that is bothering us onto paper. This will help us to get rid of excess negative emotions. When we calm down, it may turn out that we were too emotional at the time of writing. By doing this, we learn distance and self-control in stressful situations.

When you’re nervous, don’t add to the stress and create black scenarios in your head. Positive thinking will allow us to relax and take control over the situation.


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