The best diet for stress

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A life without stress is impossible. Problems at work and at home strain the nervous system, to which the body reacts with stress. However, this does not mean that stress should not be fought. Its effects effectively undermine our health! Calming infusions, walks in the fresh air, as well as a properly composed diet come to your aid.

Diet for stress – what does it consist of?

The ideal diet for stress is one that is based on properly selected products. During periods of nervous tension, the body has a special need for vitamins, especially B vitamins, as well as micro- and macroelements such as zinc, selenium, magnesium, potassium and iodine. Also important is a high supply of Omega-3 fatty acids and glycine, which stabilizes blood pressure.

B vitamins normalize the nervous system, improve mood, sleep and appetite, and add strength and vigor. Equally important in the proper functioning of the nervous system are vitamins E and C, which further help fight fatigue. As for fatty acids, these strengthen the nervous system, improve brain function and lift mood. Selenium and zinc promote the production of happy hormones. Stress negatively affects the work of the thyroid gland, so support it by consuming products rich in iodine. Take care of this gland, remembering that it produces mood-regulating hormones.

Diet for stress – products

What products do you find these ingredients in? Here are some of them:

  • broccoli – contains vitamin B1, potassium and omega-3 acids;
  • fish – contain iodine and omega-3 fatty acids. A valuable note: try to avoid combining fish with brassica vegetables. Goitrogens contained in them inhibit the absorption of iodine from food;
  • unpasteurized whole milk – contains a set of B vitamins, as well as calcium (its deficiency can cause increased irritability);
  • bananas – they include potassium and magnesium;
  • quail eggs – they are rich in glycine;
  • almonds – these nuts are a treasure trove of magnesium, which relieves symptoms of stress;
  • dark chocolate – in addition to magnesium, it contains selenium and zinc. You will get the best benefits by consuming chocolate with the highest cocoa content.

Of course, with this we have not exhausted the list of products that are recommended during periods of increased nervous tension. It is important that your menu include a variety of products rich in the mentioned ingredients. It should include enough protein, complex sugars, healthy fats and, of course, vitamins and minerals.

Sample menu for stress

It is not difficult to arrange a menu for shattered nerves. We suggest you one of the numerous menu options. 

Breakfast: oatmeal with banana and almonds. Tea with mint, a cube of dark chocolate.

Snack: a glass of milk and a slice of wholemeal bread.

Lunch: spinach soup with quail eggs and wholemeal bread; fish with brown rice and lettuce.

Dinner: turkey baked with broccoli. To drink lime or lemon balm. 

Oatmeal contains B vitamins, and if you combine it with nuts and a banana, you get a strengthening and mood-lifting breakfast. Wholemeal flour is rich in B vitamins, as well as vitamin E. As for hot drinks, it is worth replacing traditional coffee and tea with herbal infusions. Chamomile, lemon balm, mint, St. John’s wort or lime will work great in this role. Before bed, you can treat yourself to a glass of milk or kefir. Fermented dairy drinks are rich in tryptophan, an amino acid that has a positive effect on the nervous system.

main photo: Brandt

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